Friday, January 28, 2011


Lunch for one

So, life was busy and normal, I was trying to blog and not *completely* failing. There were weddings, it was summer, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Then on a Friday morning I was waking up to that phone call that you never want to get. The one that tells you to come home. Now.

Em and I packed in a daze, and were on a flight, and I thought of nothing else for the week. It was so strange to be, by surprise, in the city we were going to be moving to in less than a month.

And yet, everyone survived (and we were forever changed, but not in the worst way). And summer continued.

And move we did, after yet another wedding. We moved so that I could start law school in the fall (of 2010, that is).

Here's the thing: law school, for me, has been all-consuming. And not in the good way. In fact, is there a good way?

This semester, I demand to recover, to pull myself back from the brink, and maybe (MAYBE) back to this blog-world into which I ever dream of entry.

Up there? That's my kitchen table, and a Saturday lunch, alone. To be fair, Em rushed through the door after I snapped this, full of joy to share a lunch. One look at her keys (the keys that were still needed, and she was off again to work. Yes, work!

Below? Is a reminder to myself that I am more than a law student - I am a knitter (yes that's more!) And even in my poverty-stricken state, I deserve yarn, and time with it.

Lovely box of yarn

I hope to be back in this space more regularly again this year, and I hope to have much more to share...

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