Sunday, January 30, 2011

Paper Letters


One of my goals for this year was to send letters, send cards. And I wasn't doing so well. Maybe I sent a couple, but it was nothing to keep the postal service busy.

Then, suddenly, the new year arrived, bringing with it this resolve. I wanted to do the things that I valued, the things I seemed to have been forgetting as I worked to set up a new life, once again.

And with that has come the letter-writing.

Nothing major, you understand. I send a page or so of my thoughts, written down. Small missives (or missiles? I thought so for a moment), to someone far away.

For inspiration, I've been turning to a couple of online sources: The Post-A-Letter Social Activity Club (if you're lucky enough to live in Toronto or Montreal, this looks fantastic) and Send More Mail.

Even my fiction has been epistolary this week. I found The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society in the sale section of my favourite bookshop, and read it through this weekend (another new ritual is Sunday mornings that are all my own).

It was the perfect book for today, for this week. I am so glad I thought to slip it into the pile with the magazines I had gone to purchase.

Lovely Book

Friday, January 28, 2011


Lunch for one

So, life was busy and normal, I was trying to blog and not *completely* failing. There were weddings, it was summer, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Then on a Friday morning I was waking up to that phone call that you never want to get. The one that tells you to come home. Now.

Em and I packed in a daze, and were on a flight, and I thought of nothing else for the week. It was so strange to be, by surprise, in the city we were going to be moving to in less than a month.

And yet, everyone survived (and we were forever changed, but not in the worst way). And summer continued.

And move we did, after yet another wedding. We moved so that I could start law school in the fall (of 2010, that is).

Here's the thing: law school, for me, has been all-consuming. And not in the good way. In fact, is there a good way?

This semester, I demand to recover, to pull myself back from the brink, and maybe (MAYBE) back to this blog-world into which I ever dream of entry.

Up there? That's my kitchen table, and a Saturday lunch, alone. To be fair, Em rushed through the door after I snapped this, full of joy to share a lunch. One look at her keys (the keys that were still needed, and she was off again to work. Yes, work!

Below? Is a reminder to myself that I am more than a law student - I am a knitter (yes that's more!) And even in my poverty-stricken state, I deserve yarn, and time with it.

Lovely box of yarn

I hope to be back in this space more regularly again this year, and I hope to have much more to share...