Thursday, June 10, 2010

Far to go...

Thinking about it, Thursdays are maybe my favourite day of the week, for real. I love the anticipation of something exciting happening over the weekend, and by Friday, it's usually started to happen (or sometimes, not started). Thursday gives you some time to just sit back and contemplate it happening.

I am hoping this weekend brings with it a chance to ride the Greenway - there's a sponsored ride, and I want to be on it. Also in the works is getting ready for Car-Free day, and, maybe, brunch at one of those crunchy restaurants I'm going to miss.

This fall, I will be going back to school in the first place (city-wise anyhow) that I ever schooled. I am very not sure how I will handle it, but oh, it is exciting (and scary!). That's what I meant by "I like making changes" - I just hate it when others upset my 'delicate balance' but I love overturning it myself, flipping everything over, forcing myself to begin again and again.

I am completely not sure how I'll handle Saskatoon, or how Saskatoon will handle me, but these are the things we find out when we have to, and, thrillingly (terrifyingly) not a moment before.

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