Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Got the itch

Oh! I spent the whole day day itching, just *itching* - literally. Sitting in my office, it was as though I couldn't get to the source. I have to feel that it's a reflection of my mental state. I had thought that the hurry-up-and-waiting part of my year had come to an end, and I could start to plan.

A couple of events over the past week, though, threw me right back to where I had been: waiting for a sign of what my future will bring. Really, I know that it's not as bad as I feel, and fall should find me back where I need to be - in school. Still, you wouldn't thing that figuring out what city my classroom's going to be in would cause such a fuss. So I'm, back to waiting for a future to (maybe) be decided by someone else.

In the meantime, I'm trying to work on the list, to write it here, and to distract myself with pretty things on the internet. Any ideas?

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