Sunday, January 11, 2009

Old friends

I acquired my very first laptop when I started university back in 2000. It was small thick toshiba, with a tiny screen, and it was, to be honest, pretty ugly. It had a cd-READER, no network cards whatsoever, and a 3.5" floppy. In other words, it was a computer that should have been dead long ago. But I loved it, and it's a little Toshiba - built for the long-term as it were. So with the help of one of my best-tech-friends, I got a hold of a very lite-running version of Ubuntu Linux, and installed it, and what do you know? The computer surfs the internet (wirelessly!) We're talking an 8.5 year old laptop that has now regained basic functionality. Does making green get better than that? Well...maybe, but...this is just so fun.
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