Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Day!

Hot Air Balloon
Originally uploaded by Bob onherown.
At home, in my city (I'm practicing saying I'm from Montreal - I hope I'm allowed?), it is already Canada Day as I write this. I usually don't do much to celebrate (it's a day that's mostly known as Moving Day to that city I love).
But July 1, a birthday of sorts, seems a good day to start things. Which just happens to be my plan.
1. The clothing pledge. I read, and now I forget where, about the clothing pledge: No new, manufactured articles of clothing for 4 months. I like the "new, manufactured" bit best as it leaves the fabric store's ever-loving arms open for when I need a cotton hug. I'm also going to let myself have 1 day a month - which doesn't have to be pre-planned, but is gone once it's gone - to maybe buy some new stuff. Oh, and must I mention that July is one of those days?
2. Let's just say that I'll be doing something that I don't strictly approve of for two weeks. A "challenge" of sorts. Don't plan to discuss it extensively here.
3. Green (red) worms! My new year's resolution this year involved a nix on the purchase of animal-tested products. I'm still doing okay on that one (although I have to say, I don't mean ANIMAL products - wool, milk, eggs are all part of my life), I have compact fluorescent or halogen in all the lamps (are those the same thing?). But I need to keep moving forward on it. Vermicompost is something that I need to explore more fully. Yes, that's living with worms. I think I'm okay with that. But where do I get them? And their home?
And a quick crafty update: I got a parcel from home (again) with sewing things and marble magnet things. And sat and cut and glued, and loved it again. The sewing continues to hold (need iron - have paycheck!), but will be on the move shortly? Please?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Walking home the block-and-a-half from the bus at 6 this evening (picking up parcels), I was thinking two things: I'm heartbroken, and I'm in love.
Heartbreak is no surprise at the moment, my world seems to be swinging around to face something new, that is, turning its back on something old, something I rather loved, and I'm feeling it.
But am I in love? It made me stop for a minute, literally turning in a circle on the sidewalk. I'm in love? Because, oh god, do I mean Edmonton? (There's no person this feeling belongs with).
The sky was glowing at me again, and it was the first day of summer (I didn't know it at the time).
The boxes contained wonders: a stack of my cds, and some cookbooks, sent from home. Old friends, basically. Sam Roberts is singing in my house right now.
And the cookbooks? One, appropriately enough, was my stained, creased, and smudged copy of Forever Summer. Love.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Me. Sorta

Little Buddy
Originally uploaded by Bob onherown.
I went into the library on a beautiful day and came out into a crazy windstorm. The saying is something like: If you live on the prairies, always bring a sweater. And sunglasses. And a scarf and mittens. And shorts. The weather here, she cannot be tay-med. It rained briefly, but I could see beautiful blue sky up ahead (towards home!), and after a few minutes the worst of it had passed.
The sky was beautiful and alive (yes, I GET that phrase, I don't think it needs to be on license plates everywhere), and crazy and huge. And blue. My friend, in a meme, named light blue as a colour that reminds her of me. Sky blue? If so, I'm flattered.
[E.T.A.(06/21/06): Yup, a second friend, same meme, sky blue.]

I am a prairie girl at heart. I seem to be stuck with this condition, despite having fallen in love with Montreal, with Edinburgh, with Greece.
I live in Edmonton at the moment, which is like my hometown SUPASIZED. I work a meh job at a nice place. I come home to two cats (one of whom climbs up into my lap and purrs if he thinks I've forgotten to feed them) in a little basement apartment in a certain kind of area (many people, having heard where I live, offer the phrase "isn't it a little...uh..." I assume they mean sketchy. Research supports the idea that they might mean something else).
I bake. I knit. I am trying to keep plants alive, trying to sew again, trying to put down roots (yup, I said it).

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Fallen into a fabric store

I fell in a fabric store
Originally uploaded by Bob onherown.
So, yeah, I hiked out (if by hiked you mean took a lovely bus), to this fabric store on the South Side of Edmonton, Marshalls.
Which, wowie. I was in there for two hours, and that was not nearly enough time. The irresponsible part of my brain is already planning a return trip. These are just about half the fabrics I picked up there, and I have plans for them. SECRET plans, for the moment.
I am sad that this blog is not more active and even if I have to post crappy flickr-ed photos for a while, I am going to work to change that.