I am sitting here eating yogourt with *surprise* gelatin in it for breakfast. I grabbed a perfectly innocent-looking container off the shelf out shopping as we needed it for a recipe. It wasn't until this morning when I opened it for the first time and saw it jiggling away - not in the good, gentle, yogourt-y jiggling way, but liiiiike jello, that I realized it. Yogourt with gelatin is slowly becoming a nemesis of mine - I prefer my yogourt with regular old milk fat, thanks - but like non-fat "yogourt" gelatin as a part of yogourt is becoming pervasive.
And I wonder why I'm thisclose to becoming one of those people who buys organic milk and makes her own yogourt. Why am I not just doing it, really?
The bastardization of what I start to feel like referring to as "food-based products" isn't new, certainly, but it's an eternal thorn in my side. It can make grocery shopping (and yeah, I'm still a big box or big chain shopper, more than I'd like) feel like a reading marathon, where I learn words I'd never care to use, and, more disturbingly, learn there aren't really brands you can trust.